vrijdag 11 april 2008

Interview with Mrs. Yangdutso Yangkartsang

Today I have an interview with the president of the Tibetan community in Brussels, mrs. Yangdutso Yangkartsang.
This should result in a nice portrait article about her, but with a mayor focus on the community. As you may know, the mayor condition for writing for Brussel Deze Week is that everyhting must be happening in Brussels (wow, surprising!!). By writing this, I only want to say that I will ask political questions and questions about the present situation in Tibet, but that these questions will be driven a little bit to the background. However, this is an interesting excercise. As working-placement journalist, I am beginning to specialize myself in huge journalistic portraits. So this means that I am always investigating the inner side of my interviewees, the psychological aspect of sitting in front of a journalist who can ask you a wide range of questions - going from smart to unevitably stupid. I must be joking.

What the interview was like, you can read after the weekend. I will be too busy.



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